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Happy German Beer Day!

Blog by The Blum Real Estate Team | April 23rd, 2021


Nobody would blame you if you were in need of a drink this past year more than others. Fun fact to know that the brewing and drinking of Beer is a proud tradition and engrained in cultural identity.

April 23rd 1516 was the day that the ‘Reinheitsgebot’, or Purity Law, was adopted across the entirety of the Duchy of Bavaria.

Originally formulated in Munich, the law was designed primarily as a means to regulate the market. Specifying that beer could only contain water, barley and hops, the law ensured that brewers couldn’t buy up available wheat, which would cause bread prices to rise. 

Read more….https://www.thelocal.de/20210423/why-german-beer-day-is-celebrated-on-april-23rd/